Employment and Disability

We conduct research on disability employment services, mental health impacts of unemployment, the disability support workforce, the disability pay gap, the impact of COVID-19, young people and work.

 Impact of part-time employment for DES clients

 Impact of part-time employment for DES clients

Disability Support Work and COVID-19: The forgotten workforce

Disability Support Work and COVID-19: The forgotten workforce

Improving Disability Employment Study (IDES)

Improving Disability Employment Study (IDES)

Youth Employment Study (YES)

Youth Employment Study (YES)

NDIS and Disability Employment Services

NDIS and Disability Employment Services

Social mobility and the wellbeing of PWD

Social mobility and the wellbeing of PWD

Disability Documentaries

Disability Documentaries

Modelling employment policies to reduce disability related mental health inequalities

Modelling employment policies to reduce disability related mental health inequalities

Disability and employment across the life course

Disability and employment across the life course