
Our publications are grouped into the following topics: COVID-19, Employment, Discrimination and Violence, Gender, Mental Health, Inequalities and Policy, which includes the NDIS.

If you would like a copy of any of these publications email:

COVID-19 and Disability

  1. Leung, X. Y., Kavanagh, A., Quang, Q. T., Shields, M., & Aitken, Z. (2023). A systematic review of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of adolescents and young people with disabilities aged 15-29 years. BMC Public Health, 23.
  2. Dickinson, H., Kavanagh, A., Dimov, S., Shields, M., & McAllister, A. (2023). Political legitimacy and vaccine hesitancy: Disability support workers in Australia. Policy and Society, 42(1).
  3. McAllister, A., Dickinson, H., Huska, M., Devine, A., Dimov, S., & Kavanagh, A. (2023). ‘That was all over the shop’: Exploring the COVID‐19 response in disability residential settings. Australian Journal of Public Administration. Advance online publication.
  4. Kavanagh, A., Dickinson, H., Shields, M., & McAllister, A. (2022). Predictors of vaccine hesitancy among disability support workers in Australia: A cross-sectional survey. Disability and Health Journal, 101369.  
  5. Shields, M., Spittal, M. J., Dimov, S., Kavanagh, A., & King, T. L. (2022). Employment and disability among young Australians and associations with psychological distress during the COVID-19 pandemic. SSM-Population Health, 101140.
  6. Emerson, E., Aitken, Z., Totsika, V., King, T., Stancliffe, R. J., Hatton, C., Llewellyn, G., Hastings, R. P., & Kavanagh, A. (2022). The impact of the COVID pandemic on working age adults with disability: Meta-analysis of evidence from four national surveys. Health & social care in the community. Advance online publication.
  7. Aitken Z, Emerson E, & Kavanagh A. (2023). COVID-19 vaccination coverage and vaccine hesitancy among Australians with disability and long-term health conditions. Health Promotion Journal of Australia
  8. Dickinson, H., Kavanagh, A. & Llewellyn, G. (2022) Examining Australia’s performance in realising CRPD obligations in health through the lens of COVID-19.  In Felder, F., Davy, L. & Kayess, R. Disability law and human rights – theory and practice.  Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan; 1st ed. 2022 edition (January 18, 2022). ISBN 978-3-030-86544-3. Pages 239-261. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-86545-0_12
  9. Emerson V, Totsika Z, Aitken T, King RP, Hastings C, Hatton RJ, Stancliffe G, Llewellyn A, Kavanagh A. Vaccine hesitancy among working-age adults with/without disability in the UK. Public Health 200 (2021) 106-108.
  10. Imms C, Reddihough D, Shepherd DA, Kavanagh A. Social outcomes of school leavers with cerebral palsy living in Victoria. Frontiers in Neurology, Pediatric Neurology 2021 10.3389/fneur.2021.753921
  11. Kavanagh A, Devine A & Shields M. The health of people with disabilities in Oxford Textbook of Global Public Health. Edited by Detels R, Quarraisha A, Baum F, Leyland A, Li L. Oxford: Oxford University Press (in press).
  12. Kavanagh et al. Health and healthcare  for people with disabilities in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic. Disability and Health J 2022 (15 (1);
  13. King TL. Young carers in the COVID-19 pandemic: risks for mental health. Lancet Reg Heal – West Pacific 2021; 16: 100307.
  14. Maxfield M, Cooper MS, Kavanagh A, Devine A, Atkinson LG. On the outside looking in:A phenomenological study of the lived experience of Australian adults with a disorder of the corpus callosum. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases (2021) 16:512. 10.1186/s13023-021-02140-5
  15. Griffiths D, Sheehan, L, van Vreden C, Petrie D, Grant G, Whiteford, P, Sim M & Collie A. The Impact of Work Loss on Mental and Physical Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Baseline Findings from a Prospective Cohort StudyJournal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2021, 31, p455–462.
  16. Almeda N, Garcia-Alonso C & Carulla-Salvador L. Mental health planning at a very early stage of the COVID-19 crisis: a systematic review of online international strategies and recommendations. BMC Psychiatry 2021 21:43
  17. Gupta A,Kavanagh A & Disney G. The impact of and government planning and responses to pandemics for people with disability: A Rapid review. IJERPH 2021 4 May18(12), 6505.
  18. Carey G, Dickinson H, Malbon E, Gilchrist D, Duff G, Chand S, Kavanagh A & Damon A. Should we change the way we think about market performance when it comes to quasi-markets? A new framework for evaluating public service markets. Public Admin Review 2021 8 Apr
  19. Dickinson H & Yates S. Navigating complexity in a global pandemic: The effects of COVID‐19 on children and young people with disability and their families in Australia. Public Administration Review. 2021 18 January
  20. Kavanagh A, Dickinson H, Carey G, Llewellyn G, Emerson E, Disney G & Hatton C. Improving health care for disabled people in COVID-19 and beyond: Lessons from Australia and England. Disabil Health J 2021 Apr;14(2):101050
  21. Emerson E, Stancliffe R, Hatton C, Llewellyn G, King T, Totsika V, Aitken Z & Kavanagh A. The impact of disability on employment and financial security following the outbreak of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic in the UK. J Public Health (Oxf). 2021 Jan 12:fdaa270. doi: 10.1093/pubmed/fdaa270
  22. Emerson E,  Aitken Z, Krnjacki L, Vaughan C, Llewellyn G & Kavanagh A. Correspondence: Torturing inadequate data to generate ‘results’. J Public Health 2020; 42(4),e575-577.
  23. Carey G, Dickinson H & Kavanagh A. Disability care systems are primed to spread COVID-19; what can we do? Rapid Review. BMJ 2020 11 June;369:m1609,
  24. Carey G. The NDIS and COVID-19: a collision course. MJA, 2020; 213 (3): 141-141.e1, doi: 10.5694/mja2.50690
  25. Dickinson H, Carey G & Kavanagh A. Personalisation and pandemic: an unforeseen collision course? Disability & Society 2020 1 June,  10.1080/09687599.2020.1772201

Employment and Disability

  1. Saxby, K., Dickinson, H., Petrie, D., Kavanagh, A., & Aitken, Z. (2023). The impact of employment on mental healthcare use among people with disability: distinguishing between part- and full-time employment. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health.
  2. Shields, M., Spittal, M. J., Aitken, Z., Dimov, S., Kavanagh, A., & King, T. L. (2023). Does employment status mediate the association between disability status and mental health among young adults? Evidence from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey. Occupational and Environmental Medicine.  
  3. Ye, L., Kavanagh, A., Petrie, D., Dickinson, H., & Aitken, Z. (2023). Part-time versus full-time employment and mental health for people with and without disability. SSM-Population Health, 23, 101446.  
  4. Fortune N, Curryer B, Badland H, Smith-Merry J, Devine A, Stancliffe R, Emerson E, LLewellyn G. Do Area-Level Environmental Factors Influence Employment for People with Disability? A Scoping Review. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19(15), 9082;
  5. Devine A, Shields M, Dimov S, Dickinson H, Vaughan C, Bentley R, LaMontagne A, Kavanagh A. Australia’s Disability Employment Services Program: Participant Perspectives on Factors Influencing Access to Work. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021 Oct 31; 18(21):11485 10.3390/ijerph182111485
  6. Dimov S, Milne S, Byars S, Devine A, Kavanagh A. (2021): Improving Disability Employment Study (IDES): Wave 1 Findings. University of Melbourne. 
  7. Dimov S, Kavanagh A, Shields M, Badji S, LaMontagne A, Vaughan C et al. (2021): Youth Employment Study: Findings from the first survey. University of Melbourne. 
  8. Weld-Blundell I, Shields M, Devine A, Dickinson H, Kavanagh A, Marck C. Vocational Interventions to Improve Employment Participation of People with Psychosocial Disability, Autism and/or Intellectual Disability: A Systematic Review. Int J Environ Res. Public Health 2021(18), 12083.
  9. Kjellsson G & Petrie D. Visualizing the evolution of income inequality. Journal of Income Distribution, 2021, 29 (1-2), S, Devine A, Karanakolis P, Dimov S, Malbon J & Katsikis G. Disability and work in a health and economic crisis: mitigating the risk of long-term labour market exclusion for Australians with disability through policy coordination. AJPA, June 2021.
  10. Shields M, Dimov S, Spittal M, King T & Kavanagh A. How do employment conditions and psychosocial workplace exposures impact the mental health of young workers? A systematic review. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2021 17 April.
  11. Cunningham R, Disney G & Kavanagh A. Gendered experiences of unemployment, suicide and self-harm: A population-level record linkage study. Psychological Medicine 2021 1-9. doi:10.1017/S0033291721000994
  12. Emerson E & Llewellyn G. Youth with disabilities are more likely than their peers to engage in hazardous child labour. Child Care Health Dev. 2020: 1-9. 10.1111/cch.12820
  13. Devine A, Vaughan C & Kavanagh A. ‘If I had stable housing I would be a bit more receptive to having a job’. Factors influencing the effectiveness of Disability Employment Services reform. Work 2020;65(4):775-787. 10.3233/WOR-203130
  14. Devine A, Dickinson H, Brophy L, Kavanagh A & Vaughan C. ‘I don’t think they trust the choices I will make’ – Narrative analysis of choice and control for people with psychosocial disability within reform of the Australian DES program. Public Management Review 2019 July
  15. Milner A, King TL, LaMontagne AD, Aitken Z, Petrie D & Kavanagh A. Underemployment and its impacts on mental health among those with disabilities: evidence from the HILDA cohort. J Epidemiol Community Health 2017; 71:1198-1202. 10.1136/jech-2017-209800
  16. Milner A, Aitken Z, Byars S, Butterworth P & Kavanagh A. Do gender and psychosocial job stressors modify the relationship between disability and sickness absence: An investigation using 12 waves of a longitudinal cohort. Scand J Work Environ Health 2019: Dec.
  17. Milner A, Shields M, King T, Aitken Z, LaMontagne AD & Kavanagh A. Disabling working environments and mental health: A commentary. Disabil Health J. 2019: June.
  18. Milner A, King T & Kavanagh A. The mental health impacts of health and human service work: Longitudinal evidence about differential exposure and susceptibility using 16 waves of cohort data. Prev Medicine 2019 June: 100826. 10.1016/j.pmedr.2019.100826
  19. Milner A, Taouk Y, Disney G, Aitken Z, Rachele J & Kavanagh A. Employment predictors of exit from work among workers with disabilities: A survival analysis from the household income labour dynamics in Australia survey. Plos One 2018: Dec.
  20. Milner A, Witt K, LaMontagne AD, Niedhammer I. Authors’ reply: ‘Response to: ‘Psychosocial job stressors and suicidality: a meta-analysis and systematic review’ by Milner et al’. Occup Environ Med. 2018 Jan 27. pii: oemed-2018-104997.
  21. Niedhammer I, Milner A, Witt K, Klingelschmidt  J, Khireddine-Medouni I, Alexopoulos EC, Toivanen  S, Chastang JF, LaMontagne AD (2018). Response to letter to the editor from Dr Rahman Shiri: The challenging topic of suicide across occupational groups. Scand J Work Environ Health 2018: Jan 1;44(1):108-110.  doi:10.5271/sjweh.3698
  22. Xu T & Stancliffe RJ. An evaluation of employment outcomes achieved by transition to work service providers in Sydney, Australia. J Intellectual & Developmental Disability. 2019: 44(1), 51-63.
  23. Zhou Q, Llewellyn G, Stancliffe R & Fortune N. Working-age people with disability and labour force participation: geographical variations in Australia. Aust J Social Issues. 2019: Sep.


Violence, Discrimination and Attitudes 

  1. Emerson E, Aitken Z, King T, Arciuli J, Llewellyn G & Kavanagh A. The association between disability and risk of exposure to peer cyber victimisation is moderated by gender: Cross-sectional survey. Disabil Hth J 2021: 101170
  2. Emerson E & Llewellyn G. The exposure of children with and without disabilities to violence parental discipline: Cross-sectional surveys in 17 middle and low income countries. Child Abuse & Neglect 2020: 4 Nov, 104773
  3. Wayland S, Newland J, Gill-Atkinson L, Vaughan C, Emerson E., Llewellyn G. “I had every right to be there”: Discriminatory acts towards young people with disabilities on public transport, Disability & Society 2020; 22 Sep
  4. Savage A, McConnell D, Emerson E., & Llewellyn G. The subjective well-being of adolescent Canadians with disabilities, J Child and Family Studies, 2020; 29(12), 3381-3397.
  5. Emerson E, Milner A, Aitken Z, Vaughan C, Llewellyn G, & Kavanagh A. Exposure to discrimination and subsequent changes in self-rated health: prospective evidence from the UK’s Life Opportunities Survey.  Public Health 185 (2020) 176-181.
  6. Emerson E, Milner A, Aitken Z, Krnjacki L, Vaughan C, Llewellyn G & Kavanagh A. Overt acts of discrimination reported by British working age adults with and without disability. J Public Health. 2019 September fdz093,
  7. Emerson E, Krnjacki L, Llewellyn G, Vaughan C & Kavanagh A. Perceptions of safety and exposure to violence in public places among working age adults with disabilities or long-term health conditions in the UK: cross sectional study. Public Health, 2016 Jun: 135: 91-6.
  8. Kavanagh AM, Priest N, Emerson E, Milner A & King T. Gender, parental education and experiences of bullying victimization by Australian adolescents with and without a disability. Child: Care Health Dev. 2018 Mar; 44(2);332-341.
  9. King T, Aitken Z, Milner A, Emerson E, Priest N, Karahalios A, Kavanagh AM & Blakely T. To what extent is the association between disability and mental health in adolescents mediated by bullying? A causal mediation analysis. Int J Epidemiol, 2018 Oct 1; 47(5):1402-1413.
  10. Krnjacki L, Priest N, Aitken Z, Emerson E, Llewellyn G, King T & Kavanagh A. Disability-based discrimination and health: findings from an Australian-based population study.  Aust NZ J Public Health 2018: 42:2, 172-174.
  11. Krnjacki L, Emerson E, Llewellyn G & Kavanagh A. Prevalence and risk of violence against people with and without disabilities in Australia: findings from an Australian population-based study. Aust NZ J Public Health. 2016 Feb; 40(1):16-21.
  12. Llewellyn G, Vaughan C & Emerson E. Discrimination and the health of people with intellectual disabilities. In Hatton C & Emerson E. (eds) Health Disparities and Intellectual Disabilities. International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities. 2015: 48; 43-72. New York: Elsevier.
  13. Rachele JN, Disney G, Milner A, Emerson E, Krnjacki L & Kavanagh A. Violence and mental health: does disability make a difference? Int J Epidemiology. 2020: 1 Jan, 31(1):e6-e7.

Gender and Disability

  1. Arculi J, Emerson E & Llewellyn G. Self-report of school satisfaction: The interaction between disability and gender. School Psychology Quarterly 2019; 34(2), 148-158
  2. Bollier AM, King T, Austin SB, Shakespeare T, Spittal M & Kavanagh A. Does sexual orientation vary between disabled and non-disabled men? findings from a population-based study of men in Australia. Disability & Society 2019 Dec.  10.1080/09687599.2019.1689925
  3. Bollier AM, King T, Hocking J, Shakespeare T & Kavanagh A. Sexual functioning in men with and without disability: Findings from a representative sample of Australian males. J Sex Med 2019 Aug.
  4. Kavanagh AM, Aitken Z, Emerson E, Sahabandu S, Milner A, Bentley R, LaMontagne A, Pirkis J & Studdert, D. Inequalities in socio-economic characteristics and health and wellbeing of men with and without disabilities: a cross-sectional analysis of the baseline wave of the Australian Longitudinal Study on Male Health. BMC Public Health 2016 Oct 31; 16 (Suppl 3):1042.
  5. King T, Shields M, Milner A, Vaughan C, Shakespeare T, Currier D, Kavanagh A. Conformity to masculine norms: differences between men with and without a disability. Psychology of Men & Masculinities 2019: Sep 19.

 Mental health and Disability

  1. Bishop, G. M., Llewellyn, G., Kavanagh, A. M., Badland, H., Bailie, J., Stancliffe, R., Emerson, E., Fortune, N., & Aitken, Z. (2024). Disability-related inequalities in the prevalence of loneliness across the lifespan: trends from Australia, 2003 to 2020. BMC Public Health24(1), 621.
  2. Bishop, G. M., Kavanagh, A., Disney, G., Aitken, Z. (2023). Trends in mental health inequalities for people with disability, Australia 2003 to 2020. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry,
  3. Butterworth P, DeNew S. Petrie D. Saxby K, Schilling C. Wong C. Dynamics of mental health and health care use among children and young adults. The Australian Economic Review, 2021, 54(1), p130-142,
  4. Reavley N, Petrie D, Morgan A. & Jorm A. Does mental health-related discrimination predict health service use 2 years later? Findings from an Australian national survey, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 2019, 55, p197–204.
  5. Emerson E, Stancliffe R, Fortune N & Llewellyn G. Disability, Loneliness and Health in the UK: Cross-sectional survey Eur J Public Health. 2021 Jul 13;31(3):533-538.
  6. Emerson E, Fortune N, Llewellyn G, & Stancliffe R. Loneliness, social support, social isolation and wellbeing among working age adults with and without disability: Cross sectional study. Disabil Health J, 2020:5 August 100965.
  7. Martínez-Leal R, Folch A, Munir K, Novell R, Salvador-Carulla L. Borderline Intellectual Functioning Consensus Group. The Girona declaration on borderline intellectual functioning. Lancet Psychiatry. 2020 Mar;7(3):e8. doi:10.1016/S2215-0366(20)30001-8
  8. Devine A, Vaughan C, Kavanagh A, Dickinson H, Byars S, Dimov S, Gye B & Brophy L. “I’m proud of how far I’ve come. I’m just ready to work”: mental health recovery narratives within the context of Australia’s Disability Employment Services. BMC Public Health, 20: 325 (2020),
  9. Aitken Z, Simpson J, Gurrin L, Bentley R & Kavanagh AM.  Do material, psychosocial and behavioural factors mediate the relationship between disability acquisition and mental health? A sequential causal mediation analysis. Int J Epidemiol, 2018, 47: 3 829–840.
  10. Aitken Z, Krnjacki L, Kavanagh AM, LaMontagne AM & Milner A. Does social support modify the effect of disability acquisition on mental health? A longitudinal study of Australian adults. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2017; 52 (10): 1247-11255.
  11. Aitken Z, Simpson J, Bentley R & Kavanagh AM. Disability acquisition and mental health: effect modification by demographic and socioeconomic characteristics using data from an Australian longitudinal study. BMJ Open, 2017; 7:e016953.
  12. Clifton S, Llewellyn G & Shakespeare T. Quadriplegia, virtue theory and flourishing: a qualitative study drawing on self-narratives. Disability and Society, 2018, 33 (1): 20-38.
  13. Aitken Z, Simpson JA, Bentley R, Milner A, LaMontagne AD & Kavanagh A. Does the effect of disability acquisition on mental health differ by employment characteristics? A longitudinal fixed-effects analysis. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2019, 1-9.
  14. Emerson E, King T, Llewellyn G, Milner A, Aitken Z, Arciuli J & Kavanagh A. Emotional difficulties and self-harm among British adolescents with and without disabilities: Cross sectional study. Disabil Health J. 2019 May 11. pii: S1936-6574(19)30091-3. doi: 10.1016/j.dhjo.2019.04.007
  15. Hindmarsh G, Emerson E & Llewellyn G. Children of mothers with intellectual disabilities and their peers: Social and emotional well-being. J Intellectual Disability Research, 60(7-8), 2016; 683-683.
  16. Hindmarsh G, Llewellyn G & Emerson E. The social-emotional well-being of children of mothers with intellectual impairment: A population-based analysis. J Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 2017: 30(3), 469-481.
  17. McAllister A. Mental illnesses are not an ‘ideal type’ of disability for disability income support: Perceptions of policymakers in Australia and Canada. Scand J Public Health 2019 Jan 11.
  18. Milner A, Bollier AM, Emerson E & Kavanagh A. The relationship between disability and suicide: prospective evidence from the Ten to Men cohort. J Public Health (Oxf) 2018 Nov 5.
  19. Milner A, Petrie D, LaMontagne A & Butterworth P. Do psychosocial job stressors influence mental health service use? Evidence from an Australian cohort. Occupational Environmental Medicine 2019, 76, p295-301,
  20. Milner A, Aitken Z, Kavanagh A, LaMontagne A, Pega F, Petrie D. Combining fixed effects and instrumental variable approaches for estimating the effect of psychosocial job quality on mental health: evidence from 13 waves of a nationally representative cohort study. J Public Health (Oxf) 2018, 40(2) p1-9.  
  21. Milner A, Aitken Z Kavanagh A, LaMontagne A & Petrie D. Status inconsistency and mental health: A random effects and instrumental variables analysis using 14 annual waves of cohort data. Social Science & Medicine, 2017 189, p129-137.
  22. Milner A, Law P, Witt K, LaMontagne AD, Mann C. A smart phone intervention to address mental health stigma in the construction industry: A two-arm randomised controlled trial. SSM-Popul Health 2017 Dec 31; 4:164-168.
  23. Karahalios A, Pega F, Aitken Z, Milner A, Simpson J & Kavanagh A. The cumulative effect of living with disability on mental health in working-age adults: an analysis using marginal structural models. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2019 Mar, 1-10.
  24. King T, Milner A, Aitken Z, Karahalios A, Emerson E & Kavanagh A. Mental health of adolescents: variations by borderline intellectual functioning and disability. Euro Child & Adoles Psychiatry 2019: 13 Feb, 1-10.
  25. King T, Shields M, Shakespeare T, Milner A & Kavanagh A. An intersectional approach to understandings of mental health inequalities among men with disability. SSM – Population Health 2019: Dec (9): 100464.

Monitoring inequalities

  1. Bailie, J., Fortune, N., Plunkett, K.Gordon, J., Llewellyn, G. (2023). A call to action for more disability-inclusive health policy and systems research. BMJ Global Health;8:e011561.
  2. Disney, G., Petrie, D., Yang, Y., Aitken, Z., Gurrin, L., & Kavanagh, A. (2023). Smoking Inequality Trends by Disability and Income in Australia, 2001 to 2020. Epidemiology 34(2), 302-309.
  3. Gibberd, A., Eades, S., Psilos, N., Bourke, J., Leonard, H., Carlin, E., Kavanagh, A., Walker, R., O’Donnell, M., Colbung, R. and Nelson, L. (2022) “Developmental disability among Aboriginal children in Western Australia (WA)”. International Journal of Population Data Science, 7(3).  
  4. Shea, B., Bailie, J., Dykgraaf, S. H., Fortune, N., Lennox N., & Bailie, R. (2022). Access to general practice for people with intellectual disability in Australia: a systematic scoping review. BMC Prim. Care, 23, 306.
  5. Aitken, Z., Bishop, G. M., Disney, G., Emerson, E., & Kavanagh, A. M. (2022). Disability-related inequalities in health and well-being are mediated by barriers to participation faced by people with disability. A causal mediation analysis. Social Science & Medicine, 115500.  
  6. Fortune N, Bailie J & Llewellyn G. The need for improved Australian data on social determinants of health inequities [Letter]. Medical Journal of Australia. 25 August 2022,
  7. Bailie J, Laycock A, Matthew V, Bailie R. Increasing health assessments for people living with an intellectual disability: lessons from experience of Indigenous-specific health assessments. Medical Journal of Australia. 3 June 2021,
  8. Bailie J, Laycock A, Matthews V & Bailie R. Increasing health assessments for people living with an intellectual disability: lessons from experience of Indigenous-specific health assessments. MJA 2021 3 June.
  9. Fortune N, Singh A, Badland H, Stancliffe RJ & Llewellyn G. Area-level associations between built environment characteristics and disability prevalence in Australia: An ecological analysis. Int J Environ Research and Public Health 2020 17(21), 7844. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17217844 
  10. Clifton S, Fortune N, Llewellyn G, Stancliffe R & Williamson P. Lived Expertise and the Development of a Framework for Tracking the Social Determinants, Health, and Wellbeing of Australians with Disability. Scandinavian J Disability Research 2020: 22(1), 137–146.
  11. Fortune N, Badland H, Clifton S, Emerson E, Rachele J, Stancliffe RJ, Zhou Q & Llewellyn G. The Disability and Wellbeing Monitoring Framework: data, data gaps, and policy implications. Aust N Z J Public Health 2020 Apr 20.
  12. Emerson E, Fortune N, Aitken Z, Hatton C, Stancliffe R & Llewellyn G. The wellbeing of working-age adults with and without disability in the UK: Associations with age, gender, ethnicity, partnership status, educational attainment and employment status. Disabil Health J 2020: Feb.
  13. Brotherton M, Stancliffe RJ, Wilson NJ & O’Loughlin K. Australians with intellectual disability share their experiences of retirement from mainstream employment. J App Research in Intellectual Disabilities 2020;33, 905–916.   
  14. Curryer B, Stancliffe RJ, Wiese MY & Dew A. The experience of mothers supporting self-determination of adult sons and daughters with intellectual disability. J App Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 2020 33(3), 373-385. 
  15. McCausland D, Stancliffe RJ, McCallion P & McCarron M. Longitudinal use and factors associated with public transport and other travel options for older people with an intellectual disability in Ireland. J App Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 2020 33(3), 442-456.  
  16. Disney G, Gurrin L, Aitken Z, Emerson E, Milner A, Kavanagh A & Petrie D. Hierarchical models for international comparisons: a case study of smoking, disability and social inequality in 21 European countries. Epidemiology. 2019: Dec. 10.1097/EDE.0000000000001154
  17. Aitken Z, Baker E, Badland H, Mason K, Bentley R, Beer A & Kavanagh A. Precariously placed: Housing affordability, quality and satisfaction of Australians with disabilities. Disability & Society 2018: 22 Dec: 121-142.
  18. Kavanagh AM, Aitken Z, Baker E, LaMontagne AD, Milner A & Bentley R. Housing tenure and affordability and mental health following disability acquisition in adulthood. Soc Sci & Med 2016: Feb;151:225-32.
  19. Kavanagh A, Devine A & Shields M. The health of people with disabilities. In Oxford Textbook of Global Public Health. Edited by Detels R, Quarraisha A, Baum F, Leyland A, Li L. Oxford: OUP (in press).
  20. Patton K, Ware R, McPherson L, Emerson E & Lennox N. Parent-Related Stress of Male and Female Carers of Adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities and Carers of Children within the General Population: A Cross-Sectional Comparison. J Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 2018 Jan; 31(1), 51-61.
  21. Llewellyn G. Parents with disabilities. In Handbook of Parenting – Social and Cultural Conditions of Parenting. Edited by Bornstein, MH. 3rd edition, Vol 4. pp. 234-273. 2019: Routledge, New York.
  22. Stancliffe RJ, Arnold SRC & Riches VC (2016). The supports paradigm. In RL Schalock & KD Keith (Eds.), Cross-cultural quality of life: Enhancing the lives of persons with intellectual disability (2nd ed.) (pp. 133-142). Washington DC: American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.

Disability policy

  1. Badji, S., Kavanagh, A., & Petrie, D. (2023). The impact of Disability Insurance reassessment on healthcare use. Health Economics, 32(7), 1581–1602.
  2. Fortune, N., Bailie, J., Gordon, J., Plunkett, K., Hargrave, J., Madden, R., & Llewellyn, G. (2023). Developing self-report disability questions for a voluntary patient registration form for general practice in Australia. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health47(2), 100032.
  3. Ma, B. H., Badji, S., Petrie, D., Llewellyn, G., & Chen, G. (2023). Social interventions to support people with disability: A systematic review of economic evaluation studies. PLoS ONE 18(1): e0278930.
  4. Bailie, J., Fortune, N., Gordon, J., Madden, R., & Llewellyn, G. (2022). Making everyone count: it is time to improve the visibility of people with disability in primary care [Letter]. The Medical Journal of Australia. doi: 10.5694/mja2.51650
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