Policy Analysis and Reform
Policy change is a complex process in which differing values and social context are key factors. An understanding of this dynamic requires in-depth analysis with key policy actors. This is why we have created a ‘Policy Lab’ consisting of influential stakeholders in disability and health in order to hear firsthand the most important policy priorities and issues.
Our members come from a range of contexts such as government and non-government organisations, statutory bodies, the disability service sector, and consumer representative organisations, thus ensuring that a diversity of viewpoints are heard. We use a ‘Delphi’ process of iterative feedback and consultation to create engagement with the Policy Lab over a sustained time period to explore current and emerging policy concerns and help develop group consensus on the best policy reform options.
The information we gain informs the investigations in our research projects which positions the views of stakeholders as central to the research and policy development process.
For more information on the Policy Lab:

Read our report on the COVID-19 Policy Response for People with Disability (2021)
Read report
Green C, Dickinson H, Carey G & Joyce A. Barriers to policy action on social determinants of health for people with disability in Australia. Disability & Society 2020 20 September. Read article

Read our report on the key policy gaps in the social determinants of health for Australians with disability
Read report
How the Policy Lab works (Explainer)