Introducing Jodie Bailie

For the past 2.5 years Jodie has worked as a Research Fellow (Evaluation) with the University of Sydney’s Centre for Rural Health, based in Lismore, Northern NSW. She has been based with a CRE in Integrated Quality Improvement in Indigenous Primary Health Care, to implement a developmental evaluation of the CRE and project management. From that, they were successful with securing another CRE in Strengthening Systems for Indigenous Health Care Equity (2020 – 2024). Previously Jodie worked for Menzies School of Health Research in research and evaluation roles, mainly large national, place-based evaluations that have been focused on Indigenous primary health care.

As Jodie says” In 2017, I wrote an opinion piece for MJA Insight [here], on the lack of coordination between the health sector and the NDIS and was able to offer some personal reflections to this, as a mother of a then 16 year old who participates in the NDIS. In 2019, again in the MJA Insight [here], my eldest daughter and I wrote an opinion piece on the narrative of risk. In between these articles I commenced writing Submissions to Parliamentary Committees.

Probably like most of you my curiosity has driven most of my decisions with work. My curiosity about why these articles in MJA Insight and Parliamentary submissions generated so much interest and follow-up for presentations; curiosity about how I can combine my evaluation and research skills with our personal experience to further create meaningful impactful work; curiosity about how other CREs operate and a knowledge of their potential with capacity strengthening; lead me to finding the CRE in Disability Health through a Google Search.

Thankyou Gwynnyth for your warm welcome in our discussions. I look forward to connecting, learning, contributing and exploring new opportunities”.


Twitter: @JodieBailie1 and @CRE_STRIDE